Aromatherapy blends

I LOVE the therapeutic qualities of aromatherapy blends and often use them for massage, inhalation or give them to my clients to add to a relaxing / soothing bath…

Wherever you are in your pregnancy, and in preparation for birth, I can book you in for a face to face consultation, and make you a glorious blend to take home, perfectly tailored to your unique needs and with the safe and appropriate dosage for where you are on your journey.

For example – my due time / post dates massage / bath oils can be three times more potent then at any other point in pregnancy and there are certain ‘forbidden fruit’ oils that can be extremely useful, but only at particular points in pregnancy.

I treat the following, and much more, with my high grade, beautifully blended oils.

💫Anxiety + Stress
💫Pregnancy Insomnia
💫Aches I Pains I Discomforts
💫Swollen ankles I Carpal Tunnel
💫Due time
💫Post Due Date


A post shared by Alexis Stickland (@alexismidwifetherapies)

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  1. Pingback: Pregnancy Stress and Anxiety - Alexis Midwife

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